Practical 3: Identification and Marking Techniques in Swine: Ear Notching, Tagging, and Tattooing

 Title: Practical File on Identification and Marking Techniques in Swine: Ear Notching, Tagging, and Tattooing

Objective: To comprehensively understand and document the various identification and marking techniques employed in swine management, with a focus on ear notching, tagging, and tattooing.

Introduction: Identification and marking are integral components of swine husbandry, aiding in individual pig tracking, health monitoring, and efficient breeding program management. This practical file delves into three primary techniques: ear notching, tagging, and tattooing.

1. Ear Notching:

Purpose: Ear notching serves as a traditional and reliable method for individual pig identification, commonly practiced in swine farming.


  1. Employ specialized ear notching pliers or tools designed for this purpose.
  2. Notch specific areas of the pig's ear based on a predefined system, such as the Universal Ear Notching System.
  3. Maintain a permanent record correlating notches to individual identification.


  • Durable and permanent identification.
  • Minimal risk of loss or damage.
  • Cost-effective and applicable in various farming setups.

2. Tagging:

Purpose: Tagging involves attaching an identification tag to the pig's ear, providing a visible and easily readable means of individual pig identification.


  1. Utilize ear tag applicators to securely attach a tag to the pig's ear.
  2. Ensure the tag is appropriately fastened, avoiding excessive tightness.
  3. Record the tag number and relevant information for systematic tracking.


  • Immediate and visible identification.
  • Option to include additional information on the tag (e.g., birthdate, vaccination status).
  • Suitable for use in combination with other identification methods.

3. Tattooing:

Purpose: Tattooing involves the permanent marking of a pig by applying ink or dye directly to the skin, offering a lasting form of identification.


  1. Use tattoo pliers or a specialized tattoo gun to apply ink or dye to a predetermined area of the pig's skin.
  2. Ensure the tattoo is clear, legible, and conforms to a standardized system.
  3. Record the tattoo details in a comprehensive record for future identification.


  • Provides a permanent and wear-resistant identification mark.
  • Particularly suitable for large-scale commercial farms.
  • Allows for customization of identification codes based on farm-specific systems.

Conclusion: Each identification and marking technique carries distinct advantages, and the choice of method depends on factors such as farm size, resources, and specific operational needs. A combination of these techniques may enhance accuracy and redundancy in individual pig identification.

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